An Anzac Poem
By Jessie Pope
Why do we cheer those
brown-faced boys with pride,
Why do dense crowds press
round on every side,
Why do we throw them
flowers, our hearts aglow?
Well—turn a minute to
three years ago.
A moonlit beach—a cliff
of scrub and bush—
The creeping, crowded
boats—a breathless hush—,
A crunch of keels —a
leap, a shallow splash—
And then Inferno,
thunder, blaze and crash.
“Straight as a
bayonet”—riddled where they fell;
Hacking the wire, across
that strip of Hell;
Those untried
heroes—husky and blood-drenched—
Hurled back the Turkish
outposts —and entrenched!
The thing that was
impossible was done!
From the beginning thus
have Britons won.
So, year by year, in
words of fire and gold,
The Anzacs’ glorious
landing shall be told
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